上班族還是一種很安全的身分,可以讓周遭的人快速的辨識你為一個"正常的人". 它讓你覺得安心,因為你是整個社會整體的一部分,你有個安定的"身分和位置".
當你出國時,你要填職業欄. 當你申請信用卡,會請你填工作地址電話職務. 當別人問起What do you do for a living?時,你可以回答你在半導體業.
這就是為什麼身為上班族是那麼令人安心. 因為它是一種主流社會"認同"的身分.
所以呢,當你選擇要跳出這個安全範圍之前可要好好想一想,你是否在自己的心理上已經準備好要面對它了? 首先,你能夠在那個社會認知的安全網之外認同你自己嗎?
I was doing good at work when I working for semiconductor industry. As engineer, as marketing guy, as manager and a director. I can leverage my experience and keep working for industry. But is that what I want ? If I am only a engineer all the time, you might say that I did not have a good position and thus I feel wondering about the meaning of being as first layer labor for the entire life. Though form the point of view in average, I was quite successful.
So, I gave up for what ? Free myself ? The ambition toward material is infinite as people always say. How about freedom ? A bit similar ? Since you never feel really free in reality. Only more or less.
So, it could be a ballance between material life and spiritual life. Indeed material is one of the gate either a barrier or a path to freedom, well, at certain level as I mentioned.
Must keep thinking, keep walking and sometimes take a break.
"自我實現"在某個程度上仍舊有點籠統, 要有計劃的使它更清晰
What have you been doing lately ?

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